“Belife Japan | Natural Therapy”
In recent years, sport world is showing interest in the benefits of carbonated water.
Our Bicarbonated device has already been introduced into the facilities of a well-known Japanese professional baseball team and received great feedback.
This is because studies have shown numerous functional improvements achieved through the use of carbonated water.
At the London and Rio Olympics, carbonated water systems have been installed at facilities ( High Performance Support Centers ) to keep athletes in good condition. Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, in supporting high-level athletes, introduced carbonated water for the purpose of helping athletes recover from fatigue.
Athletes are often under high stress due to the constant tension of competitions. The stability of the autonomic nervous system in which is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic is crucial.
When the body is in tension or excited, the blood vessels contract and the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant. In this condition it is difficult for the body to free itself from fatigue, the body becomes upset and sleeps badly, blood pressure rises, and the body becomes stiff with other symptoms.
The balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic is important for optimal performance, for example, during a game. That is why it is useful to use highly concentrated carbonated water.
A highly concentrated Carbonated Water bath acts on blood flow and blood pressure that cannot be controlled by the body. If the parasympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, the body goes into a state of relaxation. Research on the effects of carbonated water bathing on the autonomic nervous system has confirmed the reduction of amylase, a substance in saliva that increases when the sympathetic nervous system is active. The improvement in autonomic nervous system function is strongly connected to mental strength.
Highly concentrated carbonated water has become popular in the sports world for its effect on increasing skin blood flow, reducing heart rate, helping muscle recovery from fatigue, and improving muscular endurance.
Blood flow in muscles in areas immersed in carbonated water is 32 percent higher than in tap water. It dilates capillaries in the soaked muscle tissue, increases tissue blood flow, and increases muscle oxygen consumption (VO2) in the soaked area. Regular bathing in carbonated water increases the density of muscle capillaries, oxygen transport capacity, and oxygen utilization capacity supplied to the muscle, and enhances muscle tissue metabolism. This can improve performance, as well, increase muscular endurance. High blood oxygen concentration reportedly persists for about 4 hours after bathing.
A carbonated water bath before sleep reduces falling asleep time, lengthens total sleep time and improves sleep quality compared with a tap water bath. A good night's rest allows recovery from physical fatigue and can make the next day's performance higher.
Several studies on the effects of artificial carbonated water on blood lactate levels and muscle soreness show positive results, such as reduced muscle soreness. Using a carbonated water bath as a warm-up before exercise increases body temperature and increases joint mobility. As a result, it is able to prevent accidents and injuries during exercise and, at the same time, reduce the accumulation of lactic acid after exercise. In post-exercise, a carbonated water bath lowers the heart rate, acts on the autonomic nervous system and reduces exercise-induced stress. A carbonated water bath rapidly reduces blood lactate levels after high-intensity exercise. Using carbonated water after training and during competitions can more quickly reset the body's acidic condition to neutral, allowing the muscles to perform more activity faster and more intensely.
SPORTS MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION Carbonated water therapy is used for fractures, ligament injuries, etc. as a state-of-the-art solution. It is crucial for athletes to be able to return to training and play as soon as possible.
Regarding the effect of artificial carbonated water bathing on fracture healing, a fracture model in the rat was used. The results revealed that carbonated water bath intensifies the concentration of components related to fracture repair and promotes the production of bone matrix proteins, which are necessary for bone formation. It is also used effectively for rehabilitation and as instant cooling (in cases from bruises, etc.). Although a bath at normal temperatures worsens inflammation, a carbonated water bath at a warm temperature promotes early recovery from injuries without such problems.